
Wow raid location map
Wow raid location map

The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj can be found south of Silithus in Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom at 46.8, 7.5.

  • Outside of old gear, Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj has no special or interesting drops.
  • The Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj can be found south of Silithus in Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom at 58.9, 14.2.
  • Death Talon Whelpguard from Broodlord Lashlayer.
  • Untamed Hatchling from Razorgore the Untamed.
  • Items from mobs and bosses of Blackwing Lair are needed to obtain Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
  • Clicking this will teleport you into the instance. From here take the first possible right down a long corridor that ends in a room with an item called the "Orb of Command" at 64.3, 70.8. On the northeastern side of the main chamber at 23.6, 26.1 is a balcony. Similar to Molten Core, Blackwing Lair is also inside of Blackrock Mountain, which is located in the Burning Steppes.
  • Ashstone Core from Golemagg the Incinerator.
  • Harbinger of Flame from Sulfuron Harbinger.
  • Ragnaros has a chance to drop Illusion: Flametongue for Shamans only.
  • Items from mobs and bosses of Molten Core are needed to obtain Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
  • Ragnaros has a very small chance to drop Eye of Sulfuras, one of the components needed to make Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros.
  • Talk to the NPC Lothos Riftwaker and he will teleport you into the instance. When you first enter the main chamber of Blackrock Mountain (with all the lava), you can see the entrance to Molten Core near the lower left chain suspending the large rock in the center. Molten Core is located inside of Blackrock Mountain, which is located in the Burning Steppes. For more tips, tricks, and guides be sure to check out Twinfinite.This guide covers where you can find the entrances for each raid instance of Classic World of Warcraft as well as some of the cool items you could find in them such as pets and toys. That’s all for where the Blackrock Foundry Entrance location is in World of Warcraft. Once you’ve teamed up the raid should be relatively easy considering the newest gear available in Battle for Azeroth is miles ahead of where you need to be for this older raid. Just click the eyeball and select the Raid Legacy tab from the drop-down menu. This can be found in the LFG tab in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. This will allow you to find a group of players also looking to do Blackrock Foundry and get a pickup group going. Of course, if you don’t have a raid team to complete this with you can check the Legacy raid group finder.

    wow raid location map wow raid location map

    There are plenty of boss fights and loot to be had. Once inside you’ll find quite a lot to do. Once at the meeting stone you’ll be able to join the instance line with others players to initiate Blackrock Foundry. Follow this until you reach the meeting stone.

    wow raid location map

    You should run south towards the pit and when reaching the eastern edge of the pit turn north. You’ll want to fly to Skysea Ridge which is located in Gorgrond.

    Wow raid location map